Laundry detergents for professional use
<p>This product group includes complete powder and liquid laundry detergents and multi-component systems for professional users and/or large-scale consumers who use washing machines with automatic dosing systems. </p>
<p>The requirements include, amongst others: </p>
<li>Environmental properties (ecotoxicity and biodegradability) of the chemicals used in the products. </li>
<li>Health properties of the chemicals used in the products. For example, no use of fragrances, CMR-classified substances, allergenic/sensitising substances or other particularly problematic substances such as identified or potential endocrindisruptors on up-to-date lists from the EU and national authorities.
<li>Efficiency tests. </li>
<li>Recyclable design of the packaging and reuse of larger packaging which contributes to a circular economy. </li>
How to apply for a certification
This product group is digitized.
You will find application guides and tools to help you with your application under the CRITERIA tab on this page. Application must be submitted via the Nordic Ecolabelling Portal, where you also upload your documentation.
If you are not registered as a user, you can request login credentials.
You can read more about the application process here: